Homework hints

What are Standard Assessment Tests?

SATs are based on what the child has learnt throughout their time at school.

They are a series of tests and tasks which help the teacher assess what level the child is working at. This level is a way of comparing children’s progress within the school and nationally.

At the end of Key Stage 1 (Year 2) children are required to take a long and short writing task; a reading test; a spelling test and a maths test. The teacher then makes a judgement about whether these tests reflect the child’s work during the year and will give the child a level. The teacher also has to give the children a level for their science work based on the child’s progress throughout the year.

At the end of Key Stage 2 (Year 6) children are required to do a long and short writing task; a reading test; a spelling test; a mental maths test; two written maths tests and two science tests.

These tests are sent away to be marked and the results are then reported to the children and yourselves.

What guidance is given to teachers on assessment?

The level descriptors in the national curriculum are the basis for judging the children’s levels of attainment.

Judgement is based on knowledge of how the child performs; it takes into account strengths and weaknesses of the child’s performance; it is checked against adjacent targets to get the closest match.

What can I do to help my child?

The most important thing to do is not to worry.

It will not help your child if you are stressed. Remember they can not fail these tests they are just a way of showing what the child can do. Encourage your child to work to the best of their ability. Ensure that they regularly do their homework (see our Homework hints section for details). Make sure they get enough sleep and eat breakfast.