Parents' Weekly Communication -
Friday 24th February 2022 
School Fund Scheme for parents - Register to receive your 2% CASHBACK on your purchases.
My School Fund Scheme
We’re pleased to announce that Adamsrill Primary School is part of the My School Fund initiative. This innovative scheme allows our parents/staff and school to be able to boost their finances by receiving 2% cash-back and it is COMPLETELY FREE to sign up.
CLICK HERE for information and registration.
Download School's App for Latest Information
We have a new school's app to deliver all the important information to you at your ease.
- You can report absence immediately and securely
- Read our Weekly news bulletin and Termly Newsletters
- View daily events and term dates for your planning
- View our Twitter & Facebook accounts feed
Download our app here
See our step by step guide here to login to our app
Parent Governor Election Ballot Box
Dear parents and carers,
I wrote to you on Friday 27th January to invite nominations for the vacancy of parent governor.
As we have more candidates than vacancies, we must now hold a ballot. For the next two weeks you will be able to vote using one of the options below. You may only vote for 1 of the candidates.
How to Vote:
- Option 1 - vote online by using the link here
- Option 2 - request a postal vote by completing the form here
- Option 3 - vote in person using the ballot box situated in the school's office.
Voting will close on Friday 10th March 2023 at 4pm.
If you are voting in person, please read instructions below.
- You will be asked for verification and sign a form.
- Then on the ballot paper, you will need to mark an X alongside the candidate’s name you wish to vote for. Do not mark the ballot paper in any other way.
- Then please insert the completed ballot paper in the ballot box.
If you are sending your vote by postal ballot:
- On the ballot paper, you will need to mark an X alongside the candidate’s name you wish to vote for. Do not mark the ballot paper in any other way.
- Insert the unmarked envelope containing the ballot paper into the second envelope, fill in your details and seal it.
- Return your ballot paper for the attention of Edwina Benson, Adamsrill Primary School, Adamsrill Road, SE26 4AQ by Friday, 10th March 2023. Votes received after 4pm on Friday 10th March will not be counted.
The use of 2 envelopes ensures that your vote remains confidential. Your details on the second envelope will be checked against the list of those entitled to vote. This envelope will then be removed so that your vote is anonymous.
If you have any queries about this process, please contact Edwina Benson at or call me at 0208 699 8548
Yours sincerely,
Edwina Benson
PA to Headteacher
February E-Newsletter
Please find Dr Eko's February e-newsletter
Headteachers February 2023 E-NewsletterMarch 2nd - Strike Day
Please find letter below from Dr Eko regarding the strike action on March 2nd 2023.
March 2nd Strike letter to parents and carers.
Updated World Book Week Letter
Please find letter below from Mrs Ogunjinmi outlining activities for World Book Week.
Amended World Book Week letter 24 2 23
Year 1 Phonics - 24.02.23
Please ask your child which group they are in and then select the appropriate links to help your child review the phonics we have been learning.
The links below are available until the 21stApril 2023.
Mrs Lee’s group
aw -
are -
ur -
Mrs Briscoe’s group
oa -
ew -
ire -
ear -
ure –
Miss Heale’s group
u-e -
ea -
oi -
Mrs Burton’s group
oo -
oo -
ar -
Reception Phonics - 24.02.23
Ms Elia’s Group
Mrs Wray and Ms Sharifee’s Group
Miss Clarke’s Group
ay reading-
ay spelling-
ee reading -
ee spelling-
igh reading -
igh spelling-
ow reading-
ow spelling-
oo reading -
oo spelling
Spontaneous Productions - Aladdin
Please find information about the latest Spontaneous Productions first family theatre show of 2023.
Please find press release below.
Copy of Aladdin press release Jan 2023.
Treat your family to an unforgettable musical experience this spring with ALADDIN, a brand new twist on the classic Arabian Nights tale. With original songs, video effects, and eye-catching costumes, your children will be transported to a world of magic, mystery, and mayhem. Also, making a very special appearance on video is Spontaneous regular William Hastings as the Genie!
Young Aladdin dreams of a life of lazing around, maybe kicking a ball now and again, and one day being rich and marrying a Princess. So, when the dastardly magician Abanazar promises him a ‘get rich quick’ scheme, how can he resist? But when he finds himself trapped in a cave with only a dusty lamp for company, what’s a poor boy to do?
The show will be performed Upstairs at the Sydenham Centre, 44a Sydenham Rd SE26 5QX 3pm & 4.30pm, every Sat & Sun, from Sat 4 March-Sun 26 March 2023
We have created a special scaled ticket price to keep tickets as affordable as possible
Tickets: Standard price £10 adults, £5 children aged 3+
Pay a little less £8 adults, £4 children aged 3+
Pay a little more £12 adults, £6 children aged 3+
(as always all under 3’s free but must sit on laps)
Here is the link to our website – tickets are on sale now Aladdin - from Saturday 4 March 2023 - Spontaneous Productions
The Jungle Book - Easter Holiday Courses.
Please see the flyer below advertising Easter Holiday Courses for 4-10 year olds.
the Jungle Book flyer.